Client: Griffith University
Project: SEET Relocation
Duration: Jan 2015 – May 2015
Project Value: $634,000
Project Details: This project involved the relocation of the SEET (Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology) department due to excess stress in their current location on the suspended slab. Both the area the SEET department is moving from (N34) and the area they are moving to (N13) were stripped and renovated. Demolition works involved the removal of existing framework, block walls, linings, doors, floor coverings and other structures. Prior to demolition works commencing asbestos testing was undertaken and some non-friable asbestos was detected. Removal was undertaken once all work method statements and safety precautions were in place. Works also included the disconnection, relocation and re-establishment of all plant, workshop equipment, work benches and fixtures and fittings. Both the N13 and N34 areas are to be fitted out with new linings, doors, windows and ceilings. Other works undertaken included Electrical and Data works, Hydraulic works and Mechanical Works.
As 2024 draws to a close we reflect on the year. South Pine Sports Complex Soccer Precinct was completed at the begining of May and we were pleased to hand over a community asset that will be sure to service the community for many years to come. We have also completed some smaller projects during the year and we now look forward towards 2025 with anticipation.